Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines day house necklace

  Happy Valentines day! Yes! I'm, for the first time, ever actually posting the holiday house necklace on the actual holiday! (since I still haven't posted the Christmas cabin house really does tell you how late I am with these things) well I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did!

I Just had to add the arrow going across it, of course 

I really did go overboard with the hearts and sparkles 

It's rather small but on the left side is a small makeup counter, I'm not sure what the name for it is though

also the heart shaped lights

I made various heart outlines oh the roof as well

I made the little portrait of a couple, well just there silhouette's

this is just another photo I took of the whole house that I just really liked


  1. I love how all the details from the heart-shaped window to the glittered arrow make up the necklace.

    1. Thanks for noticing the details I put into this, it was really quite a challenge.
